Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Discussion 1- Character

I think that the narration by Death is a very interesting twist in the book.   I don't quite understand the whole color thing yet, but who would have thought to narrate the book by something so eerie?  The color thing is, I am not sure, but maybe his reading of emotion, but I am still trying to figure it out.  Death is quite an interesting character, and the fact that he wanders around, trying not to notice people that are alive and just picks up dead people's souls is pretty darn creepy.  Also, it is compelling to think that Leisel is around death three times in her life and all three times, Death seems to notice her above all else.  I wonder what is so compelling to him about her.  In any case though, Death seems to sympathize with Leisel and her life.  He is especially interested in her book, that he, in turn, is recounting to us.  I think that Death wishes he was alive so he could experience more that just colors, but emotions.  Maybe that is why he is so interested in Liesel, because he wishes he could feel what she could feel.  


  1. I agree with what you are saying about death and emotions. I feel like we're not really gonna understand why he's so interested in Leisel until the end of the book. Obviously he not just randomly following her because the calculated style of the book wouldn't match up. I can't wait to see what the explanation ends up being.

  2. I didn't really understand about the colors either but I'm sure we'll find out about that and why he is so interested in Liesel later on or at the end of the book. Maybe there will be some unexpected twist? I also think that Death is an intriguing character (and scary) who adds an interesting part to this book.

  3. I agree with the colors being confusing, but i think you could be on the right track thinking that they have something to do with emotion. i really like what you said about him being interested in Liesel because he wishes he was alive and could feel what she feels. This a really interesting thought and i wonder if there will be anything later in the book that would support it because it seems like it could be a valid reason for his intrigue with her. i also agree that his job is creepy!

  4. Death's constant references to color are very interesting but confusing. Death always seems immune to the millions of deaths he deals with, but color is the one thing he remembers from each death. I hope that the importance of the colors is revealed to us later in the book.

  5. I like how Death sympathizes with and likes Liesel. I also think it's interesting how he is narrating. Wow, I just realized that I made Death a man. I never thought about how Death could be anything.

  6. I also think that having Death as the narrator adds interest to the book. I never really realized that Liesel always stands out to Death, but that is very strange.
