Sunday, March 1, 2009


Liesel is the main character, and she seems like a normal, everyday person. Her not being very special or different is kind of nice. It makes you feel more connected to her. I also like how she so... easy going. She doesn't seem to have any extreme reactions to anything. Like in some books a character will freak out at something that normal people wouldn't, and then it just gets kind of annoying. I'm glad that the author didn't make Leisel like that. She's a very real character. It's really sad all of the bad things that happen to her, since she seems like a person I'd like to be friends with. I think that something in her character will change over the course of the book since she's not very memorable right now. 

1 comment:

  1. Hanna, I completely agree with you about how Liesel is easygoing and an average person. I also think that her normal ways help connect you to her.
