Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week #4 Discussion

As I was thinking of what question to choose, Death always continued to pop up in my head. In the novel, Death is a very different narrator and gives an edge to the story. My question is, what does Death bring to the story? I think it foreshadows many events and gives a dark done to the story as well.


  1. You've brought up an interesting point about the 'dark tone' that death brings to the story, and I'm going to agree with ya there. However, another thing that Death brings to the story, is this brutal taste of reality that pops up whenever the idea of 'death' or 'suffering' occurs in the book. Death himself always has something to say about that death or suffering, such as "That life was only one out of 6 million which I would take ove the next few years."

  2. I completely agree that death brings a dark tone to the story, but i think that Zusak has death as the narrator to really depict the despair that people in Nazi Germany had to face everyday. I also like how you say that Death gives an "edge" to the story. It really interests me to think about why death is the narrator.

  3. I agree with the idea that the narration of Death creates a darker tone to "The Book Thief", but I disagree with Hannah that it depicts the people's despair. I think, instead, Death is proving that, though Death is a horrible loss to those still living, that those who are dead have nothing to fear. Especially by the casual way that Zusak discusses Death with the narration illustrates his idea that Death should not be feared.

  4. I completely agree with how death brings a darker tone to the sotry. It just makes it all seem more gloomy and sad to read i guess.

  5. I like what Emily said about how death should not be feared. In fact, doesn't Death say in the book that he fears humans? It's sort of like what we tell little kids about spiders: they're more afraid of us than we are of them. Likewise, Death is more afraid of us, and the destruction we as humans create. Death tries to cover up his fear of humans by acting sarcastic and blunt, but he is really terrified of how we've sort of enslaved him with our destruction.

  6. I think that Death is a very significant part of the book, not only being the narrator but also an action that tends to take place in the book. I also agree that it brings darkness because it is death, but at the same time, it doesn't seem as dark as you may think death is.

  7. I agree with everyone that is saying that death brings a darkness and gloomy feeling to the book. However, i also think that it makes death feel less scary and almost more friendly. Death seems caring about all of the people he goes to "pick up" and i think it foreshadows that he will soon be picking up some of the main characters of the book.

  8. I think that Death really brings an edge and different perspective to the story. I really agree with katie that Death feels less scary and friendly in this book. A lot of the time I forget that Death is even the one narrating the book. I think he almost is there to seem more friendly because the book itself is somewhat gloomy. I also agree with Katie that he may be "picking up" some main characters in the book at a later time.

  9. I think that Death as a narrator gives The Book Thief a unique aspect that distinguishes it from other novels. I agree with Emily that the novel makes Death seem less scary and not such a big deal. Personifying death allows the reader to relate to it more and perhaps become more in touch with the reality of death.

  10. I agree that Death foreshadows a lot of the ending of the book. Death even starts to describe a scene, which I assume is at the end, when Rudy is dying or something. Deaths tone also gives the dark feeling that makes this book fit that time period, I don’t think that the book would be very believable if it was all happy.

  11. I think Death brings a new point of view to the story and a new aspect. He makes the story more interesting to read, even though you don't realize it is Death narrating half the time.

  12. Death brings a dark tone to the story and a feeling that you know the ending. By the way Death talks, you know that he knows the end of the story and he views it as and interesting one. Which is bone chilling to me considering this story happens during the holocaust.
