Thursday, March 26, 2009

Discussion #5

Overall, The Book Thief proved to be a very interesting read. Beginning with the clever introduction of the narrator, Death, the story depicts the life of a neighborhood in the heart of Nazi Germany. However, this story of Liesel Meminger has proven to be a morbid tale, with many depressing and few joyful events. Throughout the reading, I felt myself being drawn to the book through this continuous sorrow, unable to put it down. It was the perfect blend of death as a narrator and as a symbol that compelled me to want to read more. Also, Zusak’s elegant use of countless literary elements enhanced the overall depth and importance of the book. The liveliness of the figurative language in this story practically cancelled out the gruesomeness in it. In general, this book showed me the power of words and the importance of reading through the continuous struggles of the time. It illustrated the fact that we should all cherish every book, since each one can be very important, regardless of topic. For these reasons, I would proudly recommend this book to any reader out there.

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