Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week Four - Discussion Question

My question is: Why are random sections and phrases in the book written in bold? I realize that the author is probably trying to emphasize these points for dramatic effect, but is there any particular connection between them? Is there any reason these specific phrases were chosen as opposed to other phrases?

Throughout the book I've been trying to find a pattern between these random bolded sections, and I can't seem to find one.


  1. It is a good question, but I just think that it is probably that Zusak is trying to make something seem significant, like you said. I can't think of any patterns either, but in other books that I have read, when things are bolded, they are usually significant.

  2. I agree with Hailey, and also feel as if they are foreshadows or simply helpful hints for the reader to understand the development of the characters or background of places or events to better our understanding of the story.

  3. Usually the paragraphs were titled things like, "A note about Hans Hubberman" or "The following things were in his suitcase:..."
    To me, they seemed like they were little notes written by Death to the reader, with an "F.Y.I" tone. Like what Maggie said, the notes usually provided handy details on the story to help further propel the book.

  4. I agree with Cindy, i think it is mainly an FYI type of tone. I think Zusak does this so that the reader can better understand what's going on and really visualize what's happening in the novel. I also think that little FYI's do provide helpful hints as to what may happen in the future of the book.

  5. I agree with the FYI idea. Whenever those little sections pop up, I always think of a mental note or something of that sort. Mainly, I think Zusak does this in an attempt to spice up the background information that is needed to understand the story.

  6. I agree with all of you guys. I think the bolded sections are just to give us insight about characters are aboiut what just recently happened.

  7. I agree with the fact that the bold phrases of the book serve as an FYI to the reader from Death. These statements could also be an attempt to inform the reader Death is indeed narrating the story.

  8. I was also wondering about these bolded sections and have been trying to find connection. I agree that they are probably just random notes, or maybe they will all become important later on in the book.

  9. This is a good question. I think the bolded parts of the book are Death's notes to the reader that explain something they may not know and/or random notes being made. I also agree that the sections are like an FYI or could be foreshadowing events to come.

  10. I agree that the bold sections are a little bit random, but they actually help me to understand the novel. The bold sections often provide a summary or clarification which helps if I misread something or just want a summary of what's going on so far or what is about to happen. They also remind the reader that Death is the narrator of the story and they give his perspective.

  11. I think they are there to give the reader information or a random fact that makes the story easier to comprehend. It may also be there because it is essential information to the plot that could only really be told that way.

  12. The bolded sections are a bit confusing, I have to say. The are Death's input that are a reminder that he is the narrator. Death knows what has happened and will happen everywhere in the world. The bolded words can be foreshadowing, descriptions Liesel wouldn't use but Death would, and references to things Liesel and we wouldn't know.

  13. I think that these strange phrases placed in bold are there are used to enhance the mood of the chapter or book. Because the phrases are detached and placed in bold, it is one of the first things I look at when I turn the page. It enhances the mood of the book and it shows important parts.
