Sunday, March 22, 2009

D4- Question

Okay, well for a while I have been asking myself this question and hopefully this will give me some answers.  My question is: What is the most prominent motivator for Liesel to steal books?  I have a lot of ideas, but I think the most likely is that she wants to read so badly, that she is willing to sacrifice everything to get her hands on more books.  Help!!


  1. Emily, I agree with you. I think she steals the books because she wants them so badly. Maybe she wants to show she has a little power to do what she wants.

  2. This is a legitimately hard question to think about, because Liesel did not do much reading on her own before she met and started to live with Hans Hubberman.
    I agree with you that she steals books because she wants to read so badly. In addition to that, even though her reading level is increasing so the need to steal books [and catch up to her peers] is decreasing, she knows that if she keeps finding more material to read with Hans, she'll be able to spend more time with Hans.

  3. Since Liesel can't read at the beginning of the book, words to her are a powerful and magical substance, and she is simply awestruck by their power and beauty. I think she steals books because it adds a spark of magic to her otherwise bland life. Liesel enjoys the thrill of stealing in general, but stealing books is especially thrilling because it means she is entering this magical world words create for her.

  4. I think that the most prominent motivator for Liesel is the thought of being important as well as hate. She lives in a poor town in the heart of Germany, where horrible things happen to her and she feels completely insignificant. The fact that she steals books makes her feel important and gives her a sense of payback for all the unfortunate events that have happened in her life.

  5. In Liesel's current situation with society, there are a lot of restrictions and plenty of devistation. I believe that Liesel makes clear that she wants to enjoy something so she steals books, something that she loves to do. I believe the reason is to find happiness during a difficult time.

  6. I think that Liesel loves to steal books and read them because she has just learned to read, but i think its something deeper. I think she steals them so that she can escape from her harsh reality through these books. Just as Maggie said, the books are used for Liesel to find happiness in her difficult situation.

  7. I think Liesel steals books because she simply loves to read. I also think that stealing/reading books is kind of her escape from this dark time she is living in.

  8. I think that when Liesel steals her first book, The Gravediggers Handbook, it is for more of a keepsake purpose rather than because she actually wants to read the book. Her brother had just tragically died and she wanted something to remind her of him. However, as she grows up and becomes more comfortable in her new home, she becomes fascinated by this book that is such a mystery to her and begins to concentrate on reading.

  9. I agree that Liesel steals books just for the sake of reading them, but I think stealing books also somewhat gives her a purpose in life. She can prove herself in stealing books and it gives her a small secret that is just her own.

  10. I agree with Katie in the fact that Liesel's first book is for the sake of remembering her last moments with her mother and brother. I also think, like Tess said, that the stealing of books gives her a purpose in life. It is the thing she likes doing and she always feels that sense of accomplishment when she succeeds. At the same time i find this question hard to answer because you can't really know what makes her want to steal the books so badly.

  11. I think Liesel starts stealing books because she enjoys reading. I also think that Liesel gets bored with her life and so she decides to be rebellious and adventurous by stealing the books. In the beginning, Liesel couldn't read but now she can and I think that's her motivation to steal them and find more variety of books.

  12. Because the first time she stole a book was when her brother died, maybe it is the thing that helps her be reminded of her brother, in a good way. She first stole when he was buried, and she continued after then, so she feels if she keeps stealing and reading she is connected with him. I dont really know that was just a thought.

  13. I think that she does it as a method of distraction. With all of the death and destruction going on at the time, I would want to find anything to keep my mind off of it. I find it interesting how she chooses books to do this.

  14. I think it is that she loves to read and she wants to remember her brother, so she feels the need to steal books.

  15. I think that her first stolen book was just something to remember her brother by. But then, she realized that she was carrying something around that was full of a story that she didn't know, and curiosity got to her. I believe that after that, she saw every book an adventure that she hadn't yet experienced.

  16. Liesel wants to steal books because she wants to know what is unknown to her because she cannot read. So when she does learn how to read, books are sources of knowledge and secrecy which heightens the excitement to steal and read books. Another prime motivator is maybe gratification from her father when he helps her read the books.

  17. I don't know why Liesel stole books to begin with. But, when she was stealing books from the mayor's wife, it seems that she was stealing to get back at all the people who had stolen things from her. It was a means of revenge.
