Sunday, March 1, 2009

Post number 1

So far my favorite character in The Book Thief is Hans Hubermann for many reasons. Everybody knows that Hans is Liesel’s foster father and he really provides a sense of family for Liesel. Compared to her crazy foster mother, Rosa Hubermann, who has the ability to “aggravate anyone”. Hans is always there for Liesel in many ways. He is a very quiet character but he really shows his love for Liesel in a different, unique way. Hans is always there to comfort her at night when she is in her nightmares, which really helps Liesel because she is in a hard spot in her life. He shows his love to Liesel by just being with her, he lets her roll his cigarettes, which she thinks is just fantastic because the two spend time together. It is just interesting how Hans and Rosa married each other, they are completely opposites and what did Hans see in Rosa, if anything? I mean how two completely opposite people can ever end up together; it just doesn’t make any sense. Overall Hans is my favorite character because he is caring and is just there for Liesel, he makes her feel comfortable.


  1. You bring up a really good point, Nick! Just WHAT did Hans and Rosa see in each other? Those relationships where the two partners get married regardless of the parents' opinions don't seem to ever work out in novels, and yet Hans puts up with so many harsh words from Rosa. Rosa had on a few occasions, critiqued Hans pretty harshly for not bringing in more money to the household, but after WWI, women became a lot more involved in the work sphere... So Hans is not the only person to blame for their economic situation.
    I can see Rosa loving Hans for Hans being an artist, but why would Hans love Rosa? Guess we'll find out later.

  2. I also enjoyed Hans' character because of his warm heartedness for Liesel. He is really the person who Liesel has the deepest connection with. This makes him a very like able person and makes you dislike Rosa even more. I also wonder how they ended up being married?

  3. I think that opposites do attract, so it makes perfect sense to me that they would be together. I think that if people are complete opposites then they're much less likely to fight over things that they both care about. I'm glad that Leisel found Hans, she deserves something good in her life.

  4. Addressing your point on how Hans and Rosa are married, and like what Hanna just said, opposites do attract. And an this case, they are just very very opposite each other.
